Tuesday, June 24, 2008

alkaline water

alkaline water

Discover alkaline water and percent of sugar brix scale soft drinks here. This Let's take a look at the different type of water purificiation. We have tap water, fresh creek water, spring water, rain water, filtered water, distilled water, reverse osmosis water and of course the many many supplies of mineral waters from all over the world. Obviously a good source of natural mineral water with zero pollutants would be the best water to drink. But what about the substrate that the mineral water is flowing and filtering through. The water may come across a large underwater table sitting on mass layers of basalt and other underground water table system. In Outback Australia there are some amazing supplied of bore water that flow up out of the ground with lovely how steamy water. But would you drink this stuff? No way! If you try to drink it you will end up with a very aching belly and possible a trip to hospital. is excellent. You get So water is something that we really need to take responsibility for in that not only do we ensure that our source of hydration and rehydration to prevent dehydration is the pure, calm and effective mineralized and alkalised water source that we need, but that we also care for our body and that of those around us by communicating possitive thoughts and energy to them. Have you ever wondered why it is that some people just seem to be glowing with life and affinity. Well wonder no more. They are communicating to themselves in a positive energetic way. You too are a spirit and the way that you communicate to your body spoken or unspoken has a dramatic effect on you personal well beingness and body health. You may have to force yourself at first, but the positive words communicated to you body will change the way you look and feel. 70% Water! Well, that is 70% effect you can have on your body right now. Now lets look at a correctly balanced and functioning body. It is receiving the correct amount of nutrician from the foods it is eating and the fluids you are drinking. Fact! A properly hydrated body with the correct nutrician has the result of a person who is relaxed, calm and confident in their state of mind. If you are suffering from what you think is a mental dissorder, do the following things fast before some doctor, funded by a heavy commission from the drug companies, diagnoses you and then drugs you with high gategory prescription drugs. Step one: Drink good mineral water. Step Two: Do some excercise. A power walk is a great excercise as you at the same time get your attention out of you head and you will start to see things in your environment. This step of lookig at things while you walk is important. Step Three: Lay of the junk food. Go to the fruit shop ad get a good stock of fruit and vegies. You only need a little bit of meat. But feast up on fruits and vegies while at the same time drinking plenty of water from a good source. You will immediately feel much better. Look forward to seeing you o the other side. I will also follow up with more on this later on. Cheers and happy hydration. The argument of Pure Water. Wouldn't I just be better off to be drinking pure distilled water. In some ways this may be so. If you want to flush your system out and feel a clean flow of water flowing through, then distilled water would be fine. The problem being that your body is a genetic entity designed to require the basic elements of this planet as part of its functioning system. Water, especially mineral water, is responsible for providing our body with those essential minerals like calcium and magnesium which give us a balanced srtength in our bones and muscles. If you cut this vital supply by replacing you water with distilled water, then you are depriving yourself of the vital nutrician need to grow and maintain your bones, muscles, joints and other tissue that is so vital to the strenght of our bodies. We seen to have a large increase in osteoperosis and this factor definitely plays a major in either providing or starving our bodies of the essentials of good body structure. experience and taste crystal clear revitalization. Realize alkaline water and what does regular soft drinks do to our teeth now.

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